That has to be the #1 question asked. There are so many ways you can help us out, you'd be reading for hours. So lets just cover the easy ways for now, and you tell me what you think you'd like to help with. We are in the process of setting up many volunteer programs for anyone who would like to help out around the Rescue. We have several people who come down and interact with the horses, some may just talk to them while grooming them, some take it a step further and actually work on the horses people skills, getting them ready for adoption. We also have a volunteer farrier who comes down and works on the horses feet. We are a work in progress so there is alot for the volunteers to help with, from raking the area to helping us build the Rescue.
Then we also have our Fundraisers twice a year. We are always looking for sponsors to help with this. Our Fundraisers are held right here at the Rescue so that people can see what we are doing and meet the horses they can be saving. We usually have food, and a Charity Auction and Raffle. In the Charity Auction we auction off items donated by friends of the Rescue and our Sponsors. Some of it is simple household items or ranch supplies but there is also alot of cowboy art, original paintings, some antiques, last time even a few trucks! The Raffle is the same, we have something special donated by a Sponsor as our main item and usually some other gifts or certificates as well. We always need help selling Raffle tickets and promoting the Fundraisers, not to mention all the prep work before the big day itself.
The Sponsoring of a horse is another way you can help. Since at this time we have no outside funding the expenses of feeding and caring for so many animals is tremendous. You should know that 100% of your sponsored funds will go to the horse of your choice. No one here at the Rescue gets paid, everyone here is a volunteer.
But there are all kinds of Sponsors. Some sponsors might send a check for us to do a specific thing or project, while others might send us products to help the lives of these abused horses be healthier and more comfortable. Some sponsor might want a pasture fenced and named after them, or a barn, or a whole section of stalls with shade structures.
Basically, we need everything. The Rescue is built out of whatever we could find, whatever people donated. We always need more fencing, corrugated tin, paint, steel pipe, railroad ties, lumber, chain link, water tanks, all of your horse care products, tools, you name it we need it. And then there's the big stuff...
Maybe you'd like to be our very best friend and sponsor us with a water well. In this area there is no public water system, everyone has their own well. Water at the Rescue is at 400 feet. Right now as unbelieveable as it sounds, we haul all our water, for 27 horses and 40-50 small ranch animals. We work hard to make this Rescue work, and we do need your help. And since we are now a 501(c)3 public charity we can possibly return the favor.
Your are welcome to call us at 928 897-6555 or email us anytime with your questions or ideas
The list is long, probably the easiest way to help is a cash donation made payable to Sacred Grounds Rescue Ranch, POBox 967, Wikieup AZ 85360 and after we recieve your donation we will mail you your tax reciept. And we are happy to get $10, $25, $100, $500 or more, it all helps and it all goes right into our Wells Fargo Bank acct. Here's another way.
Diane's Horse Puppets! A friend of the Rescue has created these Horse Hand Puppets, and unlike most others you see, on these you can control the mouth to make it talk! Everyone is different, no two alike, you can ask for a color but give us a second choice too. Right now we have about 30 of these in stock, for a $40 donation we will ship one anywhere in the USA. Hows that!
If you have web design skills and software, maintenance of our website is an ongoing need.
And last but not the end of the list, we can use a good 3-4 horse trailer or livestock trailer and a good truck to pull it with. If your a business you can make it a rolling billboard and we will proudly drive it around and advertise for you.
I think you get the picture now, we really do need your help. The Volunteers and Friends of the Rescue keep this place going but we need the tools and materials to make it grow. There are so many people with a huge heart that have helped us get as far as we have, but to keep going we need funding and to grow we need your prayers.
Thank You so much for taking the time to look at our website, it means you care, you one of us. Hopefully I'll meet you soon and we can make some things happen.
Bobby Joe - Founder |