Volunteer Programs
Sacred Grounds Rescue has several volunteer programs for adults and children. Some volunteers may just want to come down on a weekend and help out for a day, and thats great. We have volunteers that come down several days a week and work / interact with several horses getting them more people friendly, grooming them, taking them for walks, basically prep work for the next step to prepare them for adoptability. We have volunteers who want to learn more about caring for animals. We have volunteers that do all our farrier work, sometimes in a traning atmosphere. Then we have the crazy volunteers who love to work hard, they help with painting, fence repairs, the building of more pens and stalls, signs, welding, basically your everyday ranch work. We also have tailor made volunteer programs for college students.
Semi-Volunteer Programs / Community Service
Since Sacred Grounds Rescue Ranch is a 501(c)3 non profit organization, we do accept court ordered community service "volunteers" to work off their hours here at the Rescue. After their hours are completed we will provide them and the court a letter showing time served and describing the work that was done. We do need to schedule this in advance and plan out a work program.
Sponsorship Programs for a Horse
The sponsorship programs for a particular horse are never the same and must be tailor made for that horse. Some horse's needs are far greater than others so there are no set donations I can list here. Plus we like to create a program that fits the sponsors financial situation also. For example, maybe you just want to help out on the horses feed, or maybe be sure he or she gets a supplement, or the proper farrier needs. Maybe even sponsor the surgical needs so that the horse can lead a more comfortable life. Sponsorship is not to be confused with ownership or adoption. Sponsorship is providing the funding so that the Rescue can provide this particular animal with whatever you decide you want to help with. Be it food, training, special care, medical attention, whatever the horse needs, that you feel you'd like to help with. Since we are a 501(c)3 non profit organization your sponsorship will be considered a donation and we will issue you a tax reciept for funds provided.
Sponsorship Programs for 4H animals
Although we are a horse rescue we have molded Sacred Grounds to our local communities needs. Since we are in a rural ranch area, the problem doesn't stop with just horses. So we also take in various breeds of goats, sheep, rabbits, ducks and geese. One several occassions we have sponsored 4H kids with baby goats, sheep and rabbits so that the child will not miss out on this great opportunity of animal responsibility and education. Sponsoring a child for a 4H project depends on availability of babies born. Simply contact us here at the Rescue and we'll place you on our list.
Sponsorship of a Project
Sacred Grounds Rescue is constantly growing and building. The problem of abused and neglected horses is in no way under control, and our present economical status across the nation doesn't help things either. We are always in need of funding to expand our needs and the capacity to help more animals. We have several ideas but lack the resources. Horse wise, how about sponsoring a 1-5 acre fenced area where 4-6 horses can be turned loose and left in this huge area to live, run, and play. We can even name it whatever you'd like. The same goes for building a barn, drilling a well, providing running water to horses stalls, shade stuctures, training pens, the list is long. Kind of a favorite I've been working on is a Green Happy RestRoom for Handicap Kids (a building all on its own, with restrooms and even a shower, designed to fit handicapped children. But that's not all, its completely self contained, with its own solar panels for energy and a water catch system for an independent water supply. Maybe even a small sitting room for children that have to wait their turn). Before we start really bringing in the abused and troubled kids we'll need this built. Maybe you have some ideas, lets hear it! sacredgroundsrescueranch@yahoo.com
Sponsorship / Fundraisers
Sacred Grounds Rescue is always looking for more sponsors for its Fundraisers. As our Rescue grows so do the needs for more funding. A Fundraiser usually has several sponsors, some may be donating cash to help with event (advertising, printing of flyers and posters, food, gasoline and more). There are also Product Sponsors that may donate items for our Charity Auction and Raffle. We encourage our sponsors to send us any promotional materials available so we can set up a special table for the public. Sponsoring Entertainment, any musical entertainers are welcome to come and have some fun, performing for all the friends of the Rescue at our Fundraiser. With the permission of the sponsors we will include them in all our advertising and if possible on our website. As we are a 501(c) non profit organization sponsors will recieve a tax reciept for value(s) donated.
Sponsoring Products for the Horses
As we at Sacred Grounds Rescue are working primarily with abused and neglected animals, there are many needs we cannot furnish because of lack of funding. Companies that service the horse and animal product industry are welcome to send us much needed products to help make the lives of these mistreated animals a little more comfortable. Your welcome to contact us anytime to talk about it. We really do need your assistance. And since we are a 501(c)3 non profit organization we will be happy to return the favor with a tax reciept for the value(s).
Sponsorship / General
Sacred Grounds Rescue is the new kid on the block and accordingly our needs are huge. We have a need for about everything a working ranch has need of. We need a good working heavy duty TRUCK, both for hauling horses and hay. We also need a good 16-35 foot LIVESTOCK / HORSE TRAILER so we can move these animals a bit easier. Our needs are large enough to fit whatever you would like to sponsor. Please feel free to contact us anytime with your ideas so we can hash it over.
Educational Programs
We have several educational programs on the table that simply need a grant or a sponsor to make them happen. Educational Programs as basic as horse care and riding lessons, to training, massage therapy and farrier clinics, some using our horses and some using the students horses. For the children the same goes for the smaller ranch animals. We believe through a proper education the chances of a future problem of neglect or abuse can be limited.
Programs / General
Sacred Grounds Rescue and the friends of the rescue have come up with many ideas to help out with the abuse, neglect and abandonment problems with horses. One program is designed to help out horse owners in a bad financial situation, so they can still keep the horse fed and cared for, without the horse missing meals until they can get back on their "financial" feet. Basically the horse would be moved to the Rescue, and the owners would still have to maintain a relationship with the horse, still caring for it, putting in an agreed amount of time each week to stay in the program. The program could be reviewed on a month to month basis. But once in the program the horse could not be removed without a release from the Rescue. Interesting idea. But it would require funding or a few sponsors depending on how many horses we decided to take in.
We thought of a care program where someone might actually work to own their own horse here at the Rescue. Lots of possibilities, the key word is Funding. |
