Samson is a new addition to the Rescue, he arrived April 7, 2011. Samson is a 1 year old gelding and was rescued from the livestock auction. We have a friend that goes to the different auctions regularly and he will call us if there is something we need to see. So sight unseen we gave the ok to buy Samson and bring him home.
Samson is a beautiful gelding that knows absolutely nothing. In the trailer I gently placed a rope around his neck and very slowly while whispering sweet nothings in his ear, got the halter on his head. And the second the livestock trailer door was open the rodeo was on! To say that Samson is not halter broke or even trained to lead would be funny to anyone who saw all this. But a patient hand won and soon we had him in his stall.
Its all sounds pretty good right, but there is a heartbreaker. Actually when I saw his foot in the trailer it broke my heart. But then while he reared up and was going crazy and everytime coming down hard on that foot, it tore at my heart some more. Obviously this is why the previous owners were throwing him away to become dog food.
So Samson needs our help, but after looking it over and considering his age I truely believe that with the proper care Samson can lead a good life. You'll notice in the pictures his right foot is turned slightly outward and has a god aweful hoof. Believe it or not this kind of problem is not that uncommon. His youth is his greatest asset. But with some corrective trimming and time I think he can be ok.
The very first step will be to become Samson's friend. He needs to know we're here to help him not hurt him. You have to understand within a years time all that has happened to him. You figure weened from Mom had to take half that time, then the great experience of being gelded which for a wild colt had to be something. Then manhandled at ever opportunity and finally run through the auction, all on this terrible front foot. But since he's only a year old he knows nothing else, he doesn't know he even has a bad foot.
He's just a tad underweight but that's the easiest part. I've already talked to a friend about his foot, but before they can work on him I need him to calm down and let someone pick up his feet, that will take a little while, getting past his trust issues.
Samson can be adopted to the right folks that would give him this special care or finding him a good Sponsor would help alot because then we can take care of all his issues and then later make him available for adoption.

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